Constitution and By-Laws

Learn more about the laws that govern the South Australian Cricket Association and its Members.

Important Documents

Click here to download the SACA Constitution [PDF]

Click here to download the SACA Nominations Committee Charter [PDF]

Click here to download the SACA Election Campaign Guidelines [PDF]

Click here to download the SACA By-Laws (includes the Prescribed Standards and Members Conduct Terms of Reference)* [PDF]. A “tracked” version, reflecting the recent changes, is also available here.

*The SACA By-Laws were updated on and from 24 June 2024. Updates include:

  • recognition of Tenured Spouse Membership
  • guidance as to Membership application options available to a deceased Member’s spouse or other person as determined by the SACA Board
  • additional clarity around Transferable Associate Card (TAC) entitlements for the various classes of Members
  • future flexibility as to Membership card and TAC formats (though physical cards will continue to be used this season)
  • additional clarity as to Late Fees
  • requirement for Members to cooperate in identifying their guests if there are behavioural concerns
  • confirmation of Members’ and guests’ obligations to comply with all relevant laws when attending venues

There are also some other cross-referencing and language updates (marked up in the “tracked” version).

Principal Partner

Major Partners

Official Partners

Supply Partners

Charity Partner